Frindle study guide questionsanswers flashcards quizlet. Andrew clements, a schoolteacher turned childrens author whose first novel, frindle about a mischievous fifthgrader who coins a new word for pen was an unlikely bestseller. Fifth grader nick allen knows just how to make school more cool. The book concludes by flashing forward ten years to a successful nick allen, who becomes quite wealthy with his frindle trust fund. If you have to write the same word over and over again as punishment, wouldnt you rather do it with a frindle than a pen. It was the winner of the 2016 phoenix award, which is granted by the childrens literature association to the best englishlanguage childrens book that did not win a major award when it was published twenty years earlier. Frindle end of book project by hope dalsing teachers pay. Frindle literacy unit the printables on this page were created to go along with andrew clements novel, frindle. In the process, he decides to take what he has learned and come up with a new plan to annoy the teacher. The school serves as the community center and parent involvement is high. Frindle final projects choose one task for presentation. This worksheet has eight multiple choice, short answer, and truefalse. It was only three pages long, and it was called nicks new word. I loved the book so much after reading it, that i read it as a teacherreadaloud, then a whole class read my first few years of teaching 4th grade.
My students need more copies of the book frindle by andrew clements to complete the end of book projects. Now over ten years later the elementary school i am currently working at chose frindle for their one book, one school challenge. If you took a look at the other books i had written before frindle, youd see they were all picture books. Andrew clements frindle is an insightful middle school novel. Nick allen is learning about how words are created and decides to use the word frindle instead of the word pen.
Book projectsreading miss kestels 5th grade website. Frindle was his first book for middlegrade readers. With all students sharing in the experience of reading the book over the summer, it built a great a sense of community. Start studying frindle study guide questionsanswers. Print the frindle literature circle questions printable. Pictures are colored with pens, pencils, or crayons. Each of our fourth graders was given their own copy this book to read prior to the start of school an idea taken from the one school, one book initiative. Download file andrew clements bio website visit his website t o learn more about this famous author. It got me hooked on all the books written by andrew clements. One simple way to add creative elements to the book report can be to have. Granger disapproving of the use of frindle or all the kids staying after school writing with a frindle. The students main interests were with projects that contained an artistic or 3d involving. And then the lincoln elementary school was not happy about it.
Selznick divides his time between brooklyn, new york, and san diego. It was the winner of the 2016 phoenix award, which is granted by the childrens literature association to the best englishlanguage childrens book that did not win a major award when it was published twenty. So when i got the idea for frindle, i tried to write that story as picture book, too. Frindle novel study and project menu by gina kennedy tpt. Frindle, by andrew clements, follows the story of nicholas nick allen, a fifth grader in 1987 who generates a new name for a pena frindle after asking his teacher, mrs. This project asks your students to come together to celebrate completion of the book.
My students need 1 teachers copy of frindle, by andrew clements, along with 2 audio book copies and 30 paperback copies. It is a book about kids just like you, and has familiar settings like home and school. Frindle guided reading unit lauren desautels portfolio. Nick allen is a confident and clever fifthgrade student. Andrew clements, author of bestselling childrens book. One book, one school set of frindle by andrew clements. The printables on this page were created to go along with andrew clements novel, frindle. Teaching frindle beginning of 5th grade life in fifth.
Each month you will be assigned a book genre, and either a book project or book comprehension questions. I love starting the year with this book for several reasons. Fun and creative book report ideas for middle school students. Even though the events in this books did not happen, they could happen. Martin and laura godwin, and the dinosaurs of waterhouse hawkins by barbara kerley, which was a caldecott honor book. Worksheets include reading comprehension questions, a word search puzzle, bookmarks, a literature circle packet, writing prompts, and vocabulary activities. Sep 01, 1996 i was first introduced to the book frindle in a college elem. Frindle book project mp1 by sean cavanaugh on prezi. Frindle by andrew clements, brian selznick, paperback. The book name is frindle the author is andrew clements. With all students sharing in the experience of reading the book over the summer, it built a. Frindle frindle frindle frindle frindle frindle frindle. Granger is a serious fifthgrade teacher who loves the dictionary and insists that her students use words correctly.
Have the students think of the celebrities that would be least likely to endorse a frindle and incorporate them. Get your students working together in a fun and engaging way to discuss the book. Activities, novel study, by tpt sellers for tpt sellers. Precocious ifthgrader nick challenges his teacher by inventing a new word, frindle. As a school community, we are hosting our 2nd one book, one school this year. I always like to start the year by teaching our first novel study. The following assignments were selected after a thorough examination of all the students learning styles. He is also the illustrator of many books for children, including frindle and lunch money by andrew clements, as well as the doll people trilogy by ann m. See more ideas about frindle, reading projects and 4th grade reading. Use these questions and the activities that follow to get more out of the experience of reading frindle by andrew clements. When nick allen tries to distract his new language arts teacher, he ends up with an extra homework assignment.
Ask questions, make comments or make a complaint or suggestion. My students need a classset of frindle by andrew clements. Free frindle worksheets and literature unit for teachers. Points for neatness and creativity will be included in your grade. Frindle end of novel assessmentthis assessment accompanies the book frindle by andrew clements. Frindle by andrew clements teachers introduction frindle is a book in the realistic fiction genre. The book is about the power of words and how one fifth grader had a great idea that brought him a lot of success by challenging his teacher. Dec 16, 2019 andrew clements, a schoolteacher turned childrens author whose first novel, frindle about a mischievous fifthgrader who coins a new word for pen was an unlikely bestseller. We are a very small rural school in hancock county, kentucky. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Frindle lesson plans will give your students an opportunity to invent some words, study idioms and so much more.
See more ideas about frindle, novel studies, frindle novel study. Frindle teachers guide your students will enjoy reading frindle, a story about language and creativity. In fourth grade, he taught his classmates to mimic the highpitched calls of blackbirds. By the 5th of each month, you must turn in the book selection form signed by both you and your parents. Frindle is an american childrens novel written by andrew clements, illustrated by brian selznick, and published by aladdin in 1996. Two thumbs up from the new york times have the poster brightly drawn with a couple of scenes from the book illustrated flet pens stand out.
Jul 06, 2015 i always like to start the year by teaching our first novel study. At this age level, they need to be exposed to novels that keep their interest so they develop a love of reading for leisure. The basics youll want to include a list and brief descriptions of the main characters and some of the supporting characters. For our classrooms frindle final project, i chose projects that were voted the most popular amongst the students. Read this book to learn how the use of this word spreads out of control. When we finish, they will get the chance to do some exciting end of book projects. Explain to your class that you are going to have a frindle party, but that every aspect of the party should. You may choose the book project format from the attached list. The projects, activities, and discussion topics in this teachers guide will get students thinking about vocabulary, storytelling, and inventions. Your name, date, period, and book project number number listed on project page are included. Granger with the note she wrote to him ten years ago and a new dictionary updated to officially include the word frindle.
Frindle end of novel assessment frindle, assessment, novels. I was first introduced to the book frindle in a college elem. Completing your book project for middle school doesnt have to be a chore, make it interesting and fun. Granger, who may seem strict and challenges nick, but who, in the end, provides the crucial motivation. Andrew clements often writes books about the lives of ordinary kids. Teaching frindle beginning of 5th grade life in fifth grade. One of the things that makes frindle such a unique book is that it turns a childs invention into a real and popular thing. Imagine creating a new word that will end up in a dictionary. Comprehension by chapter, vocabulary challenges, creative reading response activities and projects, tests, and much more. Granger started a war with the kids and nicholas about the word frindle. Free frindle study unit worksheets for teachers to print.
Andrew clements writes inspiring and humorous books for middle school students and frindle is no exception. Frindle, by andrew clements, follows the story of nicholas nick allen, a fifth grader in 1987 who generates a new name for a pena frindleafter asking his teacher, mrs. Compare and contrast, your school to lincoln elementary. In third grade, he transformed miss deavers room into a tropical paradise with some paper palm trees and a sandy beach. In this project, students will work together to create a poster answering the 5 ws and 1 h comprehension question. Students are reading the book frindle by andrew clements right now. Fun and creative book report ideas for middle school. For example, in the book frindle by andrew clements the main character, nick, creates a new word for a ballpoint pen. Click on andrew clements picture to view his website. The problem was that nicholas allen made a new word called frindle.