Qsc rmx4050hd pdf writer

Cool air is drawn into the rear of the amplifier by the cooling fan. I know nothing about its cfm rating or its rated loudness when it is spinning at its max airflow capacity. Perfectly suited for a wide range of sound reinforcement applications including professional touring, performing musicians, and mobile djs, the rmx 4050hd is optimized to deliver high levels of sustained power, extraordinary audio performance, and road. Professional quality performanceincorporates roadproven qsc designs the 4000 watt rmx4050hd operates on a standard 15 amp plug 120v both the rmx4050hd and rmx5050 feature a dual mono, high current power supply for increased reliability and performance the rmx1850hd and rmx4050hd provide improved thermal performance. The qsc rmx 1850hd power amp delivers 360w per channel into 8 ohms, 600w into 4 ohms, 900w into 2 ohms, and a whopping 1,800w into 4 ohms bridged. The qsc tech told me to just look at the back of the fan to see how much current it pulls. Professional quality performanceincorporates roadproven qsc designs. View and download qsc rmx850 specifications online. Qsc hpr 122i qsc hpr 153i rcf art 310a rcf art 312a rcf art 315a rcf art 322a. All the models above offer the same three stage voltage rails and, is possibly the oldest amplifier design in qscs production line due to its power and rock solid reliability based on my. Qsc series one model 1200 power amplifier, one channel works fine, the other, not so much. The 3rackspace rmx4050a provides 2000 watts per channel at 2 ohms.

Qsc rmx 1450 professional power amplifier product overview. Rmx4050hd by qsc audio product information item weight 81 pounds product dimensions 19 x 16 x 5 inches. Qsc offers an amplifier solution that will deliver power for you and your speakers. Qsc 1200 service manual download, schematics, eeprom. The new rmx series amplifiers give you clean, dynamic power with the legendary qsc sound quality and reliability that pros depend on. Part of qsc s superdependable rmx series, the rmx4050hd delivers 800 watts per. Rated to output 200 rms watts per channel,into 8 ohms,20hz20khz,with a maximum. The owners manual is used as an reference guide, instruction manual and instruction book.

Mar 17, 2015 the qsc rmx 4050a power amplifier is a heavy duty amp designed for midsize to large systems and works as hard into 2 ohm loads as most competing amps will at 4 ohms. Brand model crown itech 8000 peavey pv900 peavey pv1500 peavey pv2600 peavey pv3800 qsc rmx850 qsc rmx1450 qsc rmx1850hd qsc rmx2450 qsc rmx4050hd qsc rmx5050 qsc plx1104 qsc plx1804 qsc plx1802 qsc plx2502 qsc plx3102 qsc plx3602 yamaha p2500s yamaha p3500s yamaha p5000s yamaha p7000s available amplifier tunings rev a. Muscular power plant the power supply is the heart of an amplifier, converting raw ac power from the wall to clean dc for the audio circuitry. Air flows from the rack, into the back of the amplifier, and out the front. If youre maxing that out and looking to upgrade, i hope your drivers are up to it or you might find that a big powersoft will get expensive in recones. Qsc rmx 4050hd 2 channels, 850 wattsch at 8 ohms, 1400. Qsc rmx5050 rmx5050a rmx4050hd amplifier torroidal power supply repair part oem.

Qsc rmx4050a power amplifier 2x 1400w4, lf filters, balanced. Perfectly suited for a wide range of sound reinforcement applications including professional touring, performing musicians, and mobile djs, the rmx 4050hd is optimized to deliver high levels of sustained power, extraordinary audio performance, and roadproven reliability. When its time to let the music do the talking, you want a loud, clear voice driving your speakers. Qsc rmx5050 service manual download, schematics, eeprom. Jun 14, 2011 video from 2002 introducing the qsc rmx2450hd. Contact qsc technical services to make sure you have the most uptodate service bulletins for rmx series amplifiers. The qsc rmx 4050a power amplifier is a heavy duty amp. The rmx4050a give you the option of 30hz and 50hz lowcut. Touchproof binding post and neutrik speakon outputs. The qsc rmx4050a is a power amplifier combining legendary qsc reliability, audio performance and affordability.

Qsc rmx4050a 2channel 1400 watt power amplifier vintage. Save qsc rmx 2450 to get email alerts and updates on your ebay feed. The rmx 4050 hd is a high powered amp with 4000 watts and filters on it. Qsc rmx4050hd service manual download, schematics, eeprom. Qsc s rmx 4050hd power amplifier represents the stateoftheart in professional quality performance at an affordable price.

The rmx1850hd power amplifier from qsc is rugged and. Cookies help us improve performance, enhance user experience and deliver our services. Trs, xlr, and strip inputs, neutrik speakon output connectors, highcurrent toroidal transformers. Following on from qsc s popular rmx series power amplifiers, the rmxa series twochannel amplifiers are specifically designed to provide high levels of performance in a compact chassis. Following on from qscs popular rmx series power amplifiers, the rmxa series twochannel amplifiers are specifically designed to provide high levels of performance in a compact chassis. The rmx4050a s particularly exceptional combination of cooling capacity and electrical efficiency provides robust thermal performance suitable for high continuous power in 2ohm stereo or 4ohm bridged applications. Qsc rmx 4050hd 2channel power amplifier guitar center.

Qsc rmx 4050a power amplifier qsc rmx 4050a youtube. Qsc has become the clear leader in power amplifier products and technology over the past four decades. Qsc, a company that needs no introduction in the power amplifier market, has added the 4050hd as its newest addition to the rmx series of amplifiers. Part of qsc s superdependable rmx series, the rmx4050hd delivers 800 watts per channel at 8 ohms, 4000 watts at 4 ohms bridged. Highcurrent toroidal transformers for greater 2ohm power and low noise. Less ac current is wasted and more available current goes into producing useful audio power. View online or download qsc rmx 4050hd user manual. Qsc rmx4050hd qsc rmx5050 qsc plx1104 qsc plx1804 qsc plx1802 qsc plx2502 qsc plx3102 qsc plx3602 qsc gx3 qsc gx5 yamaha p2500s yamaha p3500s yamaha p5000s yamaha p7000s. Independent usedefeatable clip limiters reduce distortion. Apocalipsis stephen king pdf stephen king book pdf joyland stephen king pdf christine stephen king pdf 79 books from stephen king pdf 79 books from descargar libro apocalipsis ebook del autor stephen king isbn 9788466345026 en pdf.

Qsc rmx 4050hd 2channel power amplifier musicians friend. Qsc rmx4050hd rmx series professional amplifiers gearsource. This was removed from a church sound system, i installed a number of years ago, but when power is applied now, it blows one internal fuse, but the other channel keeps working. The qsc rmx 4050a power amplifier is a heavy duty amp designed for midsize to large systems and works as hard into 2 ohm loads as most competing amps will at 4 ohms. The rmx series deliver unmatched performance at a new breakthrough price. Qsc rmx4050a power amplifier the qsc rmx4050a power amp is a reliable, and tourquality power amplifier that has clear and powerful sound, and flexible options to help finetune your system. Professional quality qsc rmx1850hd service manual rmx 1850hd rmx 2450 rmx 4050hd rmx 5050. Features professional quality performanceincorporates roadproven qsc designs the 4000 watt rmx4050hd operates on a standard 15 amp plug. Entertainers and touring users can continue to rely on the rmxa as one of the leading amplifier series in the world. The rmx4050as particularly exceptional combination of cooling capacity and electrical efficiency provides robust thermal performance suitable for high continuous power in 2ohm stereo or 4ohm bridged applications. Qsc diagrams, schematics and service manuals download for free. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.

The 4050hd is perfect for applications requiring big performance in sound reinforcement at a good value. To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program. Qsc rmx4050a power amplifier 2x 1400w4, lf filters. Like its smaller sibling the rmx1850hd, the rmx4050hd is one of two rmx heavy duty models designed to work as hard into 2 ohm loads as most competing amplifiers will at 4 ohms. Warranty pdf feedback if you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support. Qsc rmx 4050hd 2 channels, 850 wattsch at 8 ohms, 1400 watts. The kit includes installation instructions and mounting screws. Qsc spare parts amplifiers loudspeakers mixers qsys. If you want to join us and get repairing help please sign in.

The video is not great quality, but may be interesting for some. Fortunately for me, i currently have two of these units one assigned to each of my two jbl 528s subs. For proven reliability and great sound, choose the qsc rmx4050a. Qsc rmx4050a 2channel 1400 watt power amplifier vintage king. This amplifier is a solid state product that puts out rock solid punch in any avenue that is used in. T he rmx1850hd and rmx4050hd provide improved thermal performance yielding higher continuous power in 2 ohm stereo or 4 ohm bridged applications a. Service b ulletins may be distributed in hard copy, via fax, and electronically adobe acrobat pdf via cdroms, ftp from the qsc web site. View and download qsc rmx 4050hd user manual online. Mar 16, 2012 amps were uniformly rated conservatively at 20 to 20 khz, being able to stand up to todays so call new amps, how possible could it be for a marathon ma 4050, using a toroidal transformer, ab topology weighing 54 lbs have better, more impressive output specs than a crest 8001 ca12, or qsc mx3000a, using bigger transformers with class h.

Qsc 1200 amplifier here is1 really clean used condition. Jun 28, 2018 qsc rmx 4050hd fourth genertaion rated 4000 watts. These class ab, 2tier class h, or 3tier class h amplifiers offer multiple, balanced, input connectors to cater for touring, club and fixedinstallation. Rmx 4050 manual readdownload below you will found our manuals on the qsc rmx4050hd. A slightly more robust power supply than the qsc mx 3000a however, not enough to hear a difference.

The qsc rmx 2450 is the leading edge technology which is used worldwide by professional musicians. Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians. With a 3tier, class h design, it is extremely efficient. Qsc rmx2450 power amplifier overview and full product specs on cnet. The rmxa series amplifiers from qsc offer true professionalquality performance at an affordable price. The qsc rmx 4050hd 2channel power amplifier is perfectly suited for a wide range of applications, this heavyduty model is designed to work as hard into 2ohm loads as most competing amps will into 4 ohms. Qsc rmx850a rmx series power amplifier 200w x 2 at 8 ohms. Selectable lowfrequency filters 30hz or 50hz protect speakers. Qsc rmx4050 dj power amplifiers rmx series dj audio dj.