The complete niv audio bible new international version. The book of exodus niv audio bible non dramatized duration. The book is a oneminute radio program that features unusual stories and interesting facts about the bible the bestselling book of all time. Featuring a single voice, professional recording of the worlds bestselling modern english bible, this complete, unabridged, and digitallyproduced new international version niv audio bible. New international version niv bible pdf turnback to god. Biblica is the worldwide publisher and translation sponsor of the new international version one of the most widely read contemporary english versions of the bible. Niv, holy bible, ebook kindle edition by zondervan. Bible ebooks are an excellent choice for bible study. A lowcost outreach bible with added features in a readable 9. Bt found out dat verse 26 was omitted frm a frnds bible dat i was reading from. Listen free to the complete new international version niv audio bible, narrated by acclaimed actor max mclean.
If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. There has to be a better niv kindle bible out there. The story audio bible new international version, niv. The multiplevoice dramatization brings the bible to life with worldclass narration and colorful, truetothetext character renderings. They can be read on your computer and you can also bring them with you on your android phone, ios device ipad, iphone, ipod touch or ereader. Dive into a deeper study of gods word with the comprehensive niv study bible. New international version bible, first edition abebooks. You will be directed to the bible gateway website where you may read that chapter. David suchet audio bible new international version, niv. Niv translators are ok with worshipping satan, but not jesus. The new international versiontodays most read, most trusted translation.
This is a small and exquisite bible player, an app worth collecting, so that you can easily listen to gods word 1. Benjamin was the father of bela his firstborn, ashbel the second son, aharah the third, nohah the fourth and rapha the fifth. With bible gateway plus, you gain instant access to a digital bible study library, including complete notes from the niv cultural backgrounds study bible and the new bible commentary. Vocal performance by max mclean audible audiobook unabridged.
Bibles at cost niv holy bible, larger print softcover. When i received a kindle as a gift, i wanted to add a bible to it. The beloved niv study bible features a stunning fourcolor interior with fullcolor photographs, maps, charts, and illustrations that bring the stories of the bible to life. New international version niv download the free bible. History of niv bible the new international version project was started after a meeting in 1965 at trinity christian college in palos heights. The niv delivers the best combination of accuracy and readability. Have searched and it would appear there are lots of sites offering it but none of the pages i have opened actually offer the niv bible.
Click the search button below to search the entire website including all scripture translations, comments, commentary, bible dictionary, articles, and other pages. Ebook the holy bible new international version niv complete slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The book of genesis niv audio bible non dramatized youtube. The gospel of mark niv audio bible non dramatized duration. At biblica, we believe that with god, all things are possible. The new international version bible says and also the word became flesh. Read the bible on your device just as if you were reading a physical book. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank. Multivoice edition unabridged audiobook download our price. Niv 2011 the new international version niv translation of the bible is the worlds most popular modern english bible easy to understand, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages. Niv holy bible, larger print by zondervan, paperback.
The holy bible new international version niv just click on the chapter number you want to read opposite the name of the book. When the books of the bible were first written, most recipients experienced them with their ears. Niv bible epub does anyone know where i can download a free copy of the niv new international version bible preferably in epub format. The niv was published to meet the need for a modern translation done by bible scholars using the earliest, highest quality manuscripts available. The book of genesis niv audio holy bible high quality. With over 400 million bibles in print, the new international version is the worlds most popular modern english bible.
The niv ebook is designed to be easy to navigate and has additional links for immediate access to key passages within the bible. Mar 18, 2015 audiobible niv 32 jonah dramatized new international version high quality duration. Music and scripture that will bring joy to your heart and peace to your soul, arranged topically using the niv. Leviticus 10, new international version niv the bible app. Listeners audio bible new international version, niv. The indepth notes are coded to highlight items of special interest in the areas of character study, archaeology, and personal application.
No direct matches for your keyword exist in the king james bible. Bible versions in 1967, the new york bible society now biblica generously undertook the financial sponsorship of creating a contemporary english translation of the bible. Thats the translation philosophy behind the new international version niv. The new international version niv is an english translation of the bible first published in 1978 by biblica formerly the international bible society. The new international version was undertaken by an independent committee in after a general consensus that there was a need for a new, contemporary english translation of the bible. Niv, the chronological study bible, ebook by anonymous. If anyone knows of one i am open to recommendations. Audiobible niv 32 jonah dramatized new international version high quality duration.
Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading niv, holy bible, ebook. Almost 50 years after the vision was castand more than 450 million copies laterthe new international version niv has become the bestselling modern english bible translation. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the niv with free niv streaming in 2015. The niv and new international version are trademarks registered in the united states patent and trademark office by biblica, inc. The holy bible is a fictional historical epic with elements of fantasy, and the supernatural in general. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, 10 so that you can distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean, 11 and so you can teach the.
More than a bible you listen to, the niv audio bible, pure voice is an experience that helps you enter into gods. They were taken captive to babylon because of their unfaithfulness. Bible gateway recommends niv dramatized audio bible. Niv, holy bible, ebook ebook by zondervan rakuten kobo. Clicking on a book of the bible will show you a list of all the chapters of that book. New international version below is a list of the books of the bible. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds. Holy bible new international version about the new international version the new international version was undertaken by an independent committee in after a general consensus that there was a need for a new, contemporary english translation of the bible.
The apostle pauls letters, for example, were read aloud to the local church communities who received them. Bible ebooks for ereaders, android, ipad, iphone, and more. David suchet audio bible new international version, niv audible. The book of nahum niv audio bible non dramatized youtube. Niv bible new international version holy bible is given below for free download as pdf. Make the niv ebook one of your favorite reads today. Niv bible paperback january 19, 1987 by zondervan publishing author 4. Niv holy bible, larger print by zondervan, paperback barnes. Full audio holy bible new international version 1984 niv.
The worlds most popular modern english bible, now fully revised and updated and in ebook format for the first time. Ebook the holy bible new international version niv complete. The niv bible was produced by more than one hundred scholars working from the best available hebrew, aramaic, and greek texts. You can feel comfortable and confident handing this bible to anyone interested in spiritual issues or open to talking about god. All these words in the king james bible have been stricken from the new international version. This niv holy bible, larger print offers an easytoread singlecolumn format that is ideal for bible studies and anyone who appreciates a larger text. The niv audio bible will help you hear the bible again. Click on the above link to download the new international version holy bible pdf. Now the first to resettle on their own property in their own towns were some israel. The bible is the bestselling book in history, and the new international version niv bible is the bestselling version year after year. Apr 02, 20 the chronological study bible presents the text of the new international version in chronological order the order in which the events actually happened with notes, articles, and fullcolor graphics that connect the reader to the history and culture of bible times and gives the reader a dramatic, you are there experience. They can be searched easily to find the book or verse that youre looking for.
New international version niv download the free bible app. This bestselling modernenglish bible has sold more than 450 million copies since its first full publication in 1978. The new international version is the worlds most popular bible in mo. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. But your relatives, all the israelites, may mourn for those the lord has destroyed by fire. The niv bible with 64 pages of bible stories retold mangastyle 9781473637375 graphic artist siku uses manga to retell and illustrate the story of the bible from creation and noah, exile and exodus, through judges and kings an. Browse zondervans bestselling audiobooks and newest titles. Featuring a single voice, professional recording of the worlds bestselling modern english bible, this complete, unabridged, and digitallyproduced new. I prefer the niv new international version and zondervan has always been my favorite bible brand. The holy bible book 01 genesis kjv dramatized audio. Ebook the holy bible new international version niv. This bible features the full text of the new international version. Epic is a word not out of place here, for the holy bible is indeed a very hefty read.
There are actually various versions of the texts, the hebrew and the christian. More than a bible you listen to, the niv audio bible, pure voice is an experience that helps you enter into gods word so gods word can enter into you. The bible as one continuing story of god and his people audiobook. Of equal importance was that the bible be expressed in broadly understood modern. This bestselling modern english bible has sold more than 400 million copies since its first full publication in 1978.