It is prepared and made available to all students who are taking the masters in public administration mpa programme with specialization in human resource management. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. In the first elections to be held under a civilian government in twenty years, in april 2003 president olusegun obasanjo and the ruling peoples democratic party pdp comfortably won presidential and national assembly elections and did well in. Nigeria, once stated that africa should seek unity in diversity and diversity in unity.
Nigerian politics takes place within a framework of a federal, presidential, representative democratic republic, whereby executive power is exercised by the government. The future of nigerian politics lies in tolerating civilian governance. Introduction nigeria and nigerians have been caught in the frenzy of centenary celebration. In preindependence era, party politics in nigeria was based on ethnic factor. First, british colonial rule nurtured northsouth separation, which has remained the classic cleavage in the country. Corruption in nigeria has been a prevalent issue for decades. Benefiting from natural resources nigeria s oilrich delta region generates enough revenue to address many of the. Nigerias battle with boko haram council on foreign relations. Thus, in one sentence this veteran of the nationalist struggle in nigeria and in africa at large and the leading statesman of by far the most populous country of africa, summed up his experience of both nigerian and african politics. It has a three tier of government legislative, executive and judiciary as provided institutionally working in tandem for the growth and development of the country through the instrumentality of checks and. Democracy in nigeria problems and prospects information.
Independence from british rule came to pass in nigeria on the 1 st of october, 1960. In nigeria, the government at federal, state and local government level creates and implements policies meant to alleviate and regulate commercial activities and most times, these policies actually have a positive effect. Introduction the course nigerian government and politics mpa 841 is a core course which carries two 2 credit units. Historical background of nigerian politics, 19001960 iosr journal. In the first republic, the last governorgeneral of nigeria, dr. Nigeria, july 2008 2 of slaves flowed north across the sahara for a millennium, ending only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Ap comparative government and politics course and exam description, effective fall 2019 author. Ap comparative government and politics course and exam description, effective fall 2019 keywords. In the other words, one of the major causes of political issues or crisis in nigeria is bad government.
Pdf the trends of politics in postcolonial african states have been. He became the leader of government business in eastern nigeria and later premier of eastern nigeria and finally the governor. Nigerian government and politics a case study of 1999 2007 politics abstract this project research work describes and analyses the structure of nigerian government and politics between 1999 and 2007 in other to improve the understanding of the operation of government and politics in nigeria. General elections held in february 1999 marked the end of 15 years of military rule and the beginning of civilian rule based on a multiparty democracy. Governance and oil politics in nigeria s niger delta 1 economic, political and administrative authority.
This also means that individuals are likely to support political leaders from their own communities or ethnic groups, in the hope that they will benefit. The myth of the secular nigerian state that purports to separate the institutions of religion from those of the government has failed to translate into reality. Tafawa balewa serving as the first and only prime minister of the country the government of the first republic did not last as it came to a halt via several coup attempts with the first. Aug 01, 2019 politics what type of government does nigeria have. Elected political leaders in nigeria must have the commitment to pursue progressive manifestos and passionately driven for. In part d the response earned 1 point for describing that one political consequence. Religion and politics in nigeria religious literacy project.
All six of the countries studied in ap comparative government and politics great britain, russia, china, mexico, iran, nigeria are major producers of oil, though only russia, iran, mexico, and nigeria are major exporters of oil. A study of some selected local government areas in ondo state, nigeria. As at that time, nigeria was still following the british system of government in which there is a prime minister and a ceremonial president. It has also faced its share of ethnic, religious, and class differences which gave some dents in its structure. This was the year nigeria assumed both political and military control of its territory. Nigeria shall be a federation consisting of states and a federal capital territory. Abstract this paper examined the extent to which the citizens are involved in political activities. The nigerian government was dominated by the military till october 1979 when democracy was, once again, restored, thus, announcing the second republic. Nigerian government and politics political science project. Definition of state, features, structure and functions. However, concerted efforts have been made by government and nongovernmental organizations to increase the level of participation of women in politics in line with the declaration made at the. Nigeria since independence have shown that the reins of government has always fallen into the hands of a political leadership class that showed more interest.
For the purpose of this article, we are going to discuss the effect of government policies on business in nigeria. The quote above reflects both the importance of nigerian political and economic issues as well as the vulner. Gender inequality and women participation in politics. The constitution provides for a separation of powers among the three branches of government. Ap comparative government and politics course and exam. It can be noted that the aggregate of educational, political, health and. The nigerian government structure explained oasdom. The windmill in the context in which he used it are the corrupt leaders that plague much of the world, and the wind is the system that put them there. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative means of data collection. Before the coming of whiteman in nigeria the history proved beyond reasonable doubt that there was a strong organized government without any.
Under the 1999 constitution, executive power is vested in a president who serves as both the head of state and the chief executive, is directly elected to a fouryear term, and nominates the vice president and members of the cabinet. Nigerias creaky political system council on foreign relations. Ethnic politics and democratic consolidation in nigeria. The origin, development, ethnic politics, impacts, postcolonial governance. Nigerian government and politics under military rule, 196679. Governance and oil politics in nigeria s niger delta.
Nigeria has made progress since its return to democracy in 1999. Elections held in august 1979 and were won by the national party of nigeria npn consequent upon which alhaji shehu shagari became the president. The economic context of nigeria economic and political. Mar 20, 2019 many political issues in the federal republic of nigeria are traceable to bad government. Library of congress federal research division country profile.
Although the years since nigerias return to civilian rule in 1999 have seen an increased interest in its history and politics, nigeria remains one of the most underresearched african countries. On 15 january 1966, a crisisbound nigerian government was overthrown by a swift military coup detat. Female empowerment in nigeria is an economic process that involves empowering nigerian women as a poverty reduction measure. Since independence in 1960, nigerias unstable political history can be characterized by a series of military dictatorships interspersed with brief interludes of. Jan 08, 2018 according to plo lumumba, everyone speaks about the windmill but nobody speaks about the wind. Nigeria is the worlds 8th oil exporter, and its oil reserves are estimated at about 35 billion barrels. Political leadership and corruption in nigeria since 1960. Political activities started in nigeria long before independence.
The paper concludes that for nigeria to experience sustainable socioeconomic. Evidence of corruption and the influence of social norms. A government which is not properly handled or ruled is vulnerable to crisis relating to politics. Within nigeria, slavery was widespread and bore social implications that are still evident.
International journal of politics and good governance volume vi, no. Nigeria is a federal republic, with executive power exercised by the. Women who survived boko haram raped, starved and detained in nigeria may. Indeed, there is evidence to show that nigeria s troublesome religious conflict, especially in the northeastern and middle belt. Implication for sustainable national development ntamu, g. This study analyzes the gender inequalities in kaduna state politics and redefines this problem in terms of the present political situation. Nnamdi azikiwe became the first president of independent nigeria, with sir. Governmental and political history of nigeria the first republic. It has seen its changes to military regime to democracy era, including the good and bad sides of these regimes. There shall be 36 states in nigeria, that is to say, abia, adamawa, akwa ibom.
The constitution provides for a bicameral national assembly, which consists of the house of representatives and the. Read the latest nigerian politics headlines, on newsnow. But many nigerians feared that the military planned to retain power indefinitely. Military intervention in nigerian politics searchlight on the nigerian army from january 15, 1966 to may 29, 1999 and civilian and military politicians in nigeria by ajisola ewuola, ajis ajet. The igbo in the politics of nigeria, by chibuike rotimi. Mar 22, 2018 home news the igbo in the politics of nigeria, by chibuike. Geographical, historical and political profiles of nigeria 1. Governance and oil politics in nigerias niger delta. Nigeria is a federal republic comprises of 36 states as well as the fct. Military and politics in nigeria the group of army officers involved in the military take over of janua ry 15, 1966, consisted of mostly southeastern igbo officers including major chukuma kaduna. Examine the emergence of federal political structure in nigeria.
Nigerian government and politics nigeria was controlled by the military following a successive military rule for several decades, until february 1999, when a civilian government was established via a general election. Global journal of political science and administration vol. The 1999 constitution provides for a bicameral national assembly consisting of a 360member house of representatives the green chamber. Geographical, historical and political profiles of nigeria. Many of the first republic politicians were not corrupt since the majority of them came into politics with ideologies and principles. Its for the interest of my fellow political science student. It operates the presidential system of government and has three supporting arms which are the executive, the legislative and judiciary. Media and political communications in nigeria s first republic there were mixed party and nonparty media, government owned and controlled media, political party newspapers and the press of private concerns, during the. Empowerment is the development of women in term of politics, social and economic strength in nation development. In the first elections to be held under a civilian government in twenty years, in april 2003 president olusegun obasanjo and. Ap comparative government and politics nigeria briefing paper. The intervention of military in the political scene of nigeria was not totally a surprise to most political. But a political system crippled by corruption and dogged by ethnic tensions threatens to. Nigeria is a federal republic with a presidential system.
Nigerias creaky political system council on foreign. The prime minister of the federal republic and his. Alex thomas, an introduction to african politics, chapter 4, case study. Failure of the elections conducted by the civilian government in. Nigeria has been recording low participation of women in both elective and appointive positions. Amnesty international they took our husbands and forced us to be their girlfriends women in northeast nigeria starved and raped by those claiming to rescue them nov. The image of african politics in government and politics in africa. It is also a way of reducing women vulnerability and dependency in all sphere of life. Successive governments in nigeria, like in many african states, lack the political will to initiate or sustain policy or structural transformation, or to. Many political issues in the federal republic of nigeria are traceable to bad government. Nigeria is a famous country with more than one hundred and forty million population. Nigerian government and politics download ebook pdf. The nigerian government structure has taken on different shapes from 1960, when she gained her independence. The school draws attention to the potential negative consequences of free interaction between politics and.
Nigerian politics in perspective government and opposition. Several important developments that have continued to affect nigeria s government and politics in the postcolonial period marked the period of colonial rule. An introduction to african politics, this course will provide for its participants a general survey of the main issues. An analysis grace malachi brown, phd department of history and diplomatic studies faculty of humanities rivers state university of education pmb 5047, rumuolumeni port harcourt, rivers state nigeria. The questions to be answered by this research work include the following. Introduction by the time nigeria gained its independence, it was entering a period of rapid social and economic change, and many people were quite optimistic about its future. The economist offers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, technology and the connections between them. It has been estimated that nigeria has as much as 350 ethnic groups based on lingual classification. Nigeria is one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign state to be known by the name of the federal republic of nigeria.
Ap comparative government and politics briefing paper. The nigerian economy is dominated by crude oil, which accounts for about 10% of the countrys gdp, 70% of government revenue and more than 83% of the countrys total export earnings, according to opec. Olusegun obasanjo, the former military president, was elected and sworn into office for a four years term. The federal government of nigeria is composed of three distinct branches. Jan 10, 2016 political history of nigeria since independence 1960 till date introduction by the time nigeria gained its independence, it was entering a period of rapid social and economic change, and many people were quite optimistic about its future. The developments in nigeria have a cnnsiderable bearing upon the developments in africa at large, and upon africas standing in world politics, its vitality and its ability to handle pressing problems, both within africa itself and in connection with world affairs generally. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of the legislature, the house of representatives and the senate. Nigerian government and politics under military rule, 196679, edited by. Nigerian politics and governance the guardian nigeria. Failure of the elections conducted by the civilian government in 1965 and 1983 brought about the military intervention. Meaning and scope of the subject matter government i government as an institution of the state.