Of course, we werent guaranteed to find a solution. If someone is a student at hogwarts, then he or she is studying witchcraft and wiz ardry. Like, even though it was mentioned briefly, the importance and significance of the marauder s map was left out of prisoner of azkaban. Notes on chapter 8 the potions master from harry potter. It has something for everyone who is interested in alchemy and ties it all together. The second title in the series, harry potter and the. In the first book in the series, harry potter and the sorcerer s stone, harry, ron, and hermione are stuck between purple and black flames.
We have found the secret science of harry potters technology hidden in early egyptian temple sciencemystery school texts. Harry potter and the sorcerer s stone has 856 trivia questions about it. Name the third to last line in the potions riddle that snape had set up for the forbidden corridor. The quantum physics of harry potter iblissnow energized audio. Discussion guide year 1 harry potter and the sorcerers stone presented by the. Harry potter and the sorcerer s stone test 12 questions developed by. I dont know about you, but i remember reading that passage as a little. Oct 22, 2012 the potions puzzle by snape in harry potter and the philosophers stone with 3 comments sometime this week, i reread the first harry potter book after at least 10 years wow, has it been that long. Harry potter and the sorcerer s stone, the first book in j. This novel study divides harry potter and the sorcerers stone into eight sections for study. Notes on chapter 8 the potions master from harry potter and. Dec 22, 2012 ive tried to work out the logic puzzle that hermione and harry faced involving seven potion bottles and either im looking at it incorrectly or we really dont have enough information in the book to definitively solve the puzzle. How did hermione make polyjuice potion in harry potter, and.
Usually when reading the book, we speed past the riddle, admire hermione for solving it, enjoy harry and hermione s. Usually when reading the book, we speed past the riddle, admire hermione for solving it, enjoy harry and hermiones. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone, the first book in j. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most potions. The potions riddle in harry potter and the sorcerers stone is an excellent example of logical thinking. The potions riddle is the last obstacle that harry and hermione have to face. The original book gives no clues as to which is the largest and smallest bottle.
How does harry potter solve the riddle of the potions. Based on hermiones deductions, from right to left, the potions lineup is. Rowling was a struggling single mother when she wrote the beginning of harry potter and the sorcerers stone, on scraps of paper at a local cafe. The first novel in the harry potter series and rowlings debut novel, it follows harry potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his eleventh birthday, when he receives a letter of acceptance to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. What are the things that are guarding the sorcerers stone. The harry potter potions riddle puzzling stack exchange. The first novel in the harry potter series and rowling s debut novel, it follows harry potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his eleventh birthday, when he receives a letter of acceptance to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. There is history, philosophy, theory, practical laboratory work for the novice, and psychological and inner exercises as well. Harry, ron, and hermione help save the sorcerers stone from being stolen. Chapter 16 moment 3, once you know the answer go online and solve it.
The movie is based on harry potter and the philosopher s stone 1997, the first book of the harry potter series written by british author j. Which plot from the harry potter books do you wish made. Nov 21, 2011 harry potter and the philosophers stone deleted scene severus snape v. Trivia about harry potter and the sorcerers stone harry.
Which potion will allow you to move forward to the philosophers stone and. The potions riddle in harry potter and the sorcerers stone is an excellent example of logical. They stepped over the threshold and immediately a fire sprang up behind them in the doorway. Solve the potions riddle the potions riddle is the last obstacle that harry and hermione have to face before entering the chamber where the sorcerers stone is hidden. Why didnt harry potter capture tom riddle at the end of deathly hallows. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone chapter 8 the potions master. At the same instant, black flames shot up in the doorway leading onwards. Harry potter and the philosopher s stone is a fantasy novel written by british author j. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone hard questions quiz. Ive tried to work out the logic puzzle that hermione and harry faced involving seven potion bottles and either im looking at it incorrectly or we really dont have enough information in the book to definitively solve the puzzle.
Potion to move the drinker through the black flames, 4. The title was changed to harry potter and the sorcerer s stone by us publishers and released over a year later than in the uk. If you consider yourself a wiz when it comes to riddles, or if you just need a break from the hectic world around you give this quiz a try. In 1991, the philosopher s stone became the target of lord. Seven potions were aligned in front of the reader, who. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone has 856 trivia questions about it.
Apr 16, 2018 if you consider yourself a wiz when it comes to riddles, or if you just need a break from the hectic world around you give this quiz a try. Snape grilled harry about this on his first day in potions. The clue to solving the physical riddle, was written on a a roll of paper. The potion puzzle is the third moment in harry potter and the philosophers stone, chapter 16. Rowling, harry potter and the philosophers stone bloomsbury publishing plc, nov.
Rowling was a struggling single mother when she wrote the beginning of harry potter and the sorcerer s stone, on scraps of paper at a local cafe. Solving all 42 versions of the harry potter potions puzzle. The harry potter books and movies are universally loved by young and old alike. How old was its cocreator, nicholas flamel, at the time of his death. Nov 23, 2014 knowing jo, seven obstacles for seven books should have some connection. Rowlings phenomenally bestselling series, will be released in a special anniversary edition on september 23, 2008. Elixir of lifethe sorcerers stone or philosophers stone. Other books in the series also include riddles acting as clues for harry to solve. The reader would have to solve the riddle to figure. The potions classes took place in the dungeons, where the walls were lined with creepy pickled animals.
Harry potter and the philosophers stone was published by bloomsbury childrens books in june 1997 and was published as harry potter and the sorcerers stone in america by arthur a. Harry might have dismissed hermiones suggestion about the. Can you quote every line from the sorcerers stone, or figure out how long youd last in the triwizard tournament. The potions puzzle by snape in harry potter and the philosophers stone with 3 comments sometime this week, i reread the first harry potter book after at least 10 years wow, has it been that long. These three potions or elixirs are best described by the following. We loved trying to solve the mysteries of the harry potter books, but damn. The underground chambers were a series of rooms below hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, serving as the defences protecting the philosophers stone from 1 august, 1991 until 4 june, 1992. Like, even though it was mentioned briefly, the importance and significance of the marauders map was left out of prisoner of azkaban. Sorcerers stone a beginners guide to alchemy by dennis william hauck is a really nice book.
In the first book in the series, harry potter and the sorcerers stone, harry, ron, and hermione are stuck between purple and black flames. He turned to look at be, then looked back at harry. Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, also known as what. There are many scenes from the harry potter books that fans wish had made. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone film scavenger hunt. In the sorcerer s stone, readers learn that this stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. But the most atrocious absence is none other than snapes potion riddle from harry potter and the sorcerers stone. About careers press contact terms of use privacy policy. When she, ron and harry entered the thirdfloor corridor in a bid to stop quirrell stealing the philosophers stone, she immediately saved. Jan 12, 2020 elixir of lifethe sorcerers stone or philosophers stone. The book was retitled harry potter and the sorcerers stone for its american release, and proceeded to top the best sellers lists for childrens and adult books. The potion riddle was created by severus snape to prevent anyone from getting the philosophers stone, featured as the sixth obstacle in the underground chambers.
One of the most famous logic puzzles in recent wizarding history was the one devised by professor severus snape to guard the philosophers stone. In the original book, the picture thats shown above doesnt appear. A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Answered feb 9, 2016 author has 194 answers and 616k answer views. The series has some very interesting characters with exceptional abilities. The potions puzzle by snape in harry potter and the. Maybe we can identify the canon version of the puzzle based on dialogue from the book. The riddle of the potions seldom gets the respect it merits. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone test 12 questions developed by.
Harry potter and the sorcerers stone, first published in england as harry potter and the philosophers stone, continues to win major awards in england. Harry potter and the philosophers stone is a fantasy novel written by british author j. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone hard questions. In this chapter, you have to pick the right potions to get to the next chapter. Are we surprised to discover that this fountain of youth and source of great wealth causes problems.
Cerberus was the name of the three headed dog in greek mythology. It is the last challenge faced by harry and hermione before entering the chamber where the philosophers stone is kept safely hidden in the mirror of erised. The answer to this riddles ends up being spyder or spider. False 45 introduction to philosophy unit 1 examination 14. Study questions are meant to be left for each student to answer.
May 02, 2004 the riddle of the potions seldom gets the respect it merits. The riddle of the potions the harry potter lexicon. The underground chambers were a series of rooms below hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, serving as the defences protecting the philosopher s stone from 1 august, 1991 until 4 june, 1992. Can you quote every line from the sorcerer s stone, or figure out how long youd last in the triwizard tournament. The title was changed to harry potter and the sorcerers stone by us publishers and released over a year later than in the uk. Which plot from the harry potter books do you wish made it. Test your knowledge on this literature quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. Why not hide the philosopherssorcerers stone with a. Harry potter and the sorcerer s stone chapter 8 the potions master. After all, there is an enormous amount of foreshadowing in sorcerers stone from the dream predicting dumbledores murder ss to ronan predicting cedrics death ss253. Voldemort created those traps around the locket to basically tra. Can you name the harry potter and the sorcerers stone hard questions. Harry potter and the philosophers stone deleted scene. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone harry potter and the sorcerers stone book vs.
Just a reminder that they cut the best hermione moment. This is a novel study for harry potter and the sorcerers stone by j. They had this as part of book 1 on the pottermore website and it took me a couple of attempts to get it right lol. There were a total of seven chambers, each of which containing an obstacle or task that guarded the stone and delayed any intruder. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone behind the scenes. Harry potter and the sorcerer s stone, first published in england as harry potter and the philosopher s stone, continues to win major awards in england. However, if we work backwards from the solution provided by hermione, we can.
Jun 01, 2004 sorcerer s stone a beginner s guide to alchemy by dennis william hauck is a really nice book. Name the last name that vernon thought his nephew might have after he left the bakery. From quizzes about your favorite wizard to quizzes about your favorite hogwarts house, has it all. It includes an answer key, as well as a playbyplay list of talking points for the teacher to pause and chat about with students while watching. Knowing jo, seven obstacles for seven books should have some connection.
How did hermione make polyjuice potion in harry potter. Here are 180 harry potter trivia questions, 60 in each category of easy, medium, and difficult. Our task is figuring out what these connections are. For your information, potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draught of living death.
The potion riddle was created by severus snape to prevent anyone from getting the philosopher s stone, featured as the sixth obstacle in the underground chambers. In the sorcerers stone, harry and his friends are awarded lastminute house points, putting gryffindor ahead of slytherin by just 10 points. Theres a neat puzzle near the end of harry potter and the philosophers stone aka sorcerers stone. Most of the early posts on this blog come from a reread of harry potter and the philosophers stone. If you said yes to any of these questions, then this is the place for you. Usually when reading the book, we speed past the riddle, admire hermione for solving. Review edit discuss how harry, ron, and hermione, independently and as a group, overcame the magical barriers protecting the philosophers stone.
You know, the scene where harry and hermione are trapped in a room of fire and she has to solve a logic puzzle, created by snape, to figure out which potion harry should drink to get him through the flames. Just a reminder that they cut the best hermione moment from. Every harry potter puzzle hermione solved that made us kick. The riddle of the potions fordham university faculty. One of the most famous logic puzzles in recent wizarding history was the one devised by professor severus snape to guard the philosopher s stone. This puzzle, solved by a first year gryffindor student named hermione granger, was a challenge to find one of two potions hidden in a row of seven unmarked bottles. It also produces the elixir of life, which will make the drinker immortal. Just a reminder that they cut the best hermione moment from sorcerers stone where.
Harry potter and the sorcerers stone 2001 frequently. But her efforts soon paid off, as she received an unprecedented award from the scottish arts council enabling her to finish the book. Oct 15, 2019 here are 180 harry potter trivia questions, 60 in each category of easy, medium, and difficult. Number 6 can be debated as to they werent intentional protections, but i still put them there because it made it harder. Like flitwick, snape decided to do a roll call on the first class, and also made a remark upon finding harry s name, in this case, referring to him as a celebrity. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone is snapes potion. The movie is based on harry potter and the philosophers stone 1997, the first book of the harry potter series written by british author j. Like flitwick, snape decided to do a roll call on the first class, and also made a remark upon finding harrys name, in this case, referring to him as a celebrity.
The potion puzzle is the third moment in harry potter and the philosophers stone, chapter 16, through the trapdoor. Seeing hagrid give this enlightening news to harry brings delight to the common. Page 6 this category is for questions and answers related to sorcerers stone. Rowling s phenomenally bestselling series, will be released in a special anniversary edition on september 23, 2008. This version, whose solution agrees with hermiones in the book, is offered free to the public to make ms. On the surface the books are great adventure tales, but like all great fantasy literature, they also deal with universal human values, longings, wishes, and choices. So far it has won the national book award, the smarties prize, the children s book award, and is shortlisted for the carnegie medal, the u.
Harry potter and the sorcerers stone literature activity. Rowling created a legend in the form of the harry potter series. Later, the site lay dormant for a couple of years, and during that time, pottermore pretty much died as a user experience though it remains a. Harry and his friends are engrossed in their numerous studies, taking so many courses, including history of magic taught by a ghost, charms with professor flitwick, transfiguration with professor mcgonagall hermione s favorite and best course, and defense against the dark arts with professor quirrell. In october 2011, when pottermore opened, the blog focused largely on the pottermore experience. They describe the 3 potions or energetic qualities quite well and in full detail.
Harry potter and the philosophers stone deleted scene severus snape v. Name petunias friend that vernon suggested to take harry to that was on vacation in majorca. Usea sheet of paper to give a stepbystep explanation of how you arrived at your conclusion. Harry and his friends are engrossed in their numerous studies, taking so many courses, including history of magic taught by a ghost, charms with professor flitwick, transfiguration with professor mcgonagall hermiones favorite and best course, and defense against the dark arts with professor quirrell. I agree with you, she should have placed a picture in the book at this point so that we really could have tried to work it out for ourselves before reading on and finding out how harry and hermione figured it out. Harry potter and the sorcerers stone scavenger hunt by cindy ohora based on the book by j. Movie starting with harry potter and the sorcerers stone, we start out with harry potter growing up and learning he is actually a wizard. Through the trapdoor wikibooks, open books for an open world. You can print the pdf onto paper and cut it into cards, or you can copy questions into a word processing program. Seven potions were aligned in front of the reader, who would be trapped between black and purple flames.
So far it has won the national book award, the smarties prize, the childrens book award, and is shortlisted for the carnegie medal, the u. The book, published by scholastic, will feature exclusive bonus material from j. The following summer the world was introduced to harry potter. I have noticed that the theme with the traps around the stone are startlingly similar to the protections around the locket horcrux.