Though we are in the tenth year of the trojan war, these encounters are the most violent that have taken place since. This is one of the few times when this happens, and it is interesting that hektor says it out of excitement wanting the moment to last forever instead of despair at a moment passing. With hektors burial accomplished and achilles death imminent, the great antagonists of the iliad have been dealt with. Although he alludes to the death of foot soldiers, homer primarily focuses on individual clashes between champions and other notable fighters. Paris, a son of the king of troy, kidnaps helen, who becomes the legendary helen of troy and the woman with the. Chapter summary for homers the iliad, book 4 summary. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the iliad and what it means. The free the iliad notes include comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. Ask expert tutors you can ask you can ask you can ask will. Find helpful summaries and analyses for every chapter in homers the iliad. His descriptions of the deadly wounds fighters inflict on one another are brutal but also based on a consistent formula. Most scholars agree that the time period in which the events in the iliad took place was about 1200 b.
Achilles kindness to priam in book xxiv ends the warriors wrath and. The start of book 4 of homers the iliad shows the gods sitting around, enjoying refreshments, and watching the simmering tension between the trojans and the greeks down below. First, the priest chryses comes to ask their leader, king agamemnon, to release his daughter, whom agamemnon was holding captive. Cliffsnotes on homers iliad by bob linn nook book ebook. The gods are outraged that achilleus continues to mistreat the body of. The way homer wrote was hard to follow and the notes made sure i got the necessary points need for my class. Achilles finally begins to accept food, but he still. About the book at the heart of the iliad, homers fantastical epic of gods and larger. Essay the death of hector is actually just one part of a larger work. All the people of troy grieve his loss, and the three trojan women testify to his humane qualities. The annenberg cpbproject provided support for entering this text. In different ways, each book comments on the issues that had fueled achilleus anger. The iliad was written during the dark ages of greece by a blind poet named homer. The quarrel between achilles and agamemnon in book 1 of homers iliad sets in motion a chain of events that will affect the tenth and final year of the legendary trojan war.
Although the iliad begins by outlining its subject as the wrath of achilles, the poem ends with the burial of hector. Detractors of the study guides claim they let students bypass reading the assigned literature. The original cliffsnotes study guides offer expert commentary on major themes, plots, characters, literary devices, and historical background. We have tutors online 247 who can help you get unstuck. The achaians, under king agamemnon, have been fighting the trojans off and on for nine years, trying to retrieve helen, the wife of menelaos, and thus agamemnons sisterinlaw. Jul, 2016 summary and analysis of book 24 of homers iliad, with a focus on the ransom of hectors body. Homers the iliad by cliffs notes staff 1962, paperback. The written version of the iliad presupposes a basic familiarity with the characters and mythological causes and effects of the trojan war. Homers epic poem the iliad tells the story of the trojan war and the epic heroes and gods. Chapter summary for homers the iliad, book 24 summary.
It was mainly entertainment, but today has turned into a significant, though unrealistic history of the dark ages of greece. Free online study guide for the iliad by homerthe illiad. Below you will find a synopsis of some of the main events to which the iliad refers. Zeus begins to fulfill his promise to thetis to bring honor to achilleus. During and prior to this time period, there was a strong oral poetic tradition which involved traveling poets called rhapsodoi. Chapter summary for homers the iliad, book 16 summary. Read the commentary on books 2022 and on books 2324 readings wednesday class, sept.
Purchase a copy of this text not necessarily the same edition from. The paper i wrote netted me an a in the course so the expense was well worth it. Familiarity with these events is essential to understanding the complicated situations and relationships in the iliad. The iliad summary in the tenth year of the trojan war, tensions are running high among the achaians a superancient name for the ancient greeks. During and prior to this time period, there was a strong oral poetic tradition. But as the games begin, we see achilles gradually loosening up, and assuming the civilized role of host, king. It is a curious fact about the iliad that, for all its focus on the theme of death, it rarely shows characters longing for immortality. I have always been aware of the stigma of reading one of these, and was teased a number of times while carrying this copy in public, but i felt secure enough in that i had read the book before, and shared this with the people who poked at me, only to find with more than a little surprise that those who were picking on me. Agamemnons rejection of chryses in book i leads to all of the events of the iliad. The cliffs notes were a get assistance in reading the iliad. Having never read the iliad before, i thought it might be nice to clffsnotes as i read it in order to better understand it.
Popular cliff notes books meet your next favorite book. Cliffs notes on shakespeares a midsummer nights dream by matthew black, count of monte cristo by arnie jacobson, cliffs n. Books 23 and 24 of the iliad bring the story of achilleus anger to a close. Funeral games for patroklospatroclus in this book, achilles still will not eat. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.
These free notes consist of about 101 pages 30,062 words and contain the following sections. Book summaries with notes book 1 book 2 book 3 book 4 book 5 book 6 book 7 book 8 book 9 book 10 book 11 book 12 book book 14 book 15 book 16 book 17 book 18 book 19 book 20 book 21 book 22 book 23 book 24. A 12day reprieve in the fighting is agreed upon in. Apollos priest chryses comes to the achaian camp and asks to ransom back his daughter chryseis, who has been captured. Iliad book 24, burial of hector end as dawn spread her yellow robes over all the earth, the two men drove their horses inside the city, weeping and groaning. Similarly, most scholars believe that the iliad was not written down until somewhere between 800 and 600 b. Oct, 2017 the iliad book summary in under five minutes. Hector is a different kind of hero than achilles, less godlike but more connected to the people around him.
Books 1 to 4 of the iliad trace the events from the breaking out of the quarrel between achilles and agamemnon to the first combat on the battlefield. Theyre like having inclass notes for every discussion. Free online study guide for the iliad by homerthe illiad by homerbook notes booknotes synopsis study guide analysis essay themes book report. The iliad was written and performed for a bunch of drunk, barbaric nobles who were the soldiers of the time. Quicklet on homers the iliad cliffnoteslike summary. The iliad cliffsnotes study guides book summaries, test. I have never read a cliff s notes book cover to cover until now.
No one noticed them, no man, no welldressed woman, except cassandra, a girl as beautiful 860. These free notes consist of about 101 pages 30,062 words and contain the. Summary and analysis of book 24 of homers iliad, with a focus on the ransom of hectors body. The wrath of achilles is finally assuaged in book xxiv. Homers epic poem the iliad tells the story of the trojan war and the epic heroes and gods, including achilles, hector, odysseus, athena, ares, paris. The climax of the iliad occurs when achilleus agrees to return hektors body to priam, showing his ultimate humanity and moral redemption. As we read about achilleus rampage on the battlefield and his brutal slaying of hektor, our discussion will explore achilleus anger, its links with the repeated references to patroklos death, his own destiny, and.
Buy a cheap copy of the iliad cliffs notes book by bob linn. Priams invocation of achilles own father, peleus, forges a momentary bond between him and achilles. Downloadableprintable version of this monkeynote key literary elements setting character list conflict short plot summary synopsis themes mood background information biography literaryhistorical information. Find a summary of this and each chapter of the iliad. In the tenth year of the trojan war, tensions are running high among the achaians a superancient name for the ancient greeks. In book 24 of homers the iliad, priam of troy goes to the myrmidon camp and asks achilles for hectors body. The cliffsnotes study guide on homers iliad supplements the original literary work, giving you background information about the author, an introduction to the.
This time, however, the fathers prayers are immediately granted. Paris, a son of the king of troy, kidnaps helen, who becomes the legendary helen of troy and the woman with the face that launched a thousand ships. Achilleus insists on sharing food with priam although he has already eaten 210. Homers epic poem the iliad tells the story of the trojan war and the epic heroes and gods, including achilles, hector, odysseus, athena, ares. The epic poem ends with the trojans burying hector. At the achaean camp, achilles and the myrmidons continue their mourning for patroclus. Iliad studyguide, books 124 western michigan university. Many people have noted connections between the last book and the first because both involve a father seeking the return of a child. At the funeral games for patroklos in book 23, achilleus behavior provides a striking contrast to his earlier quarrel with. The iliad begins with the poet calling on the muse to sing of the wrath of achilleus and its consequences. The latest generation of titles in this series also feature glossaries and visual elements that complement the classic, familiar format. Cliffsnotes formerly cliffs notes, originally cliff s notes and often, erroneously, cliffnotes are a series of student study guides. It opened up the iliad to me so i could recognize why it is so magnificent.
The iliad sparknotes literature guide volume 35 sparknotes literature guide series paperback february 4, 2014 by sparknotes author, homer author. The god panic grips the achaeans that night, and agamemnon calls the chieftains to council. The guides present and create literary and other works in pamphlet form or online. The cliffsnotes study guide on homers iliad supplements the original literary work, giving you background information about the author, an introduction to the work, a graphical character map, critical commentaries, expanded glossaries, and a comprehensive index, all for you to use as an educational tool that will allow you to better understand the work. Cliffsnotes formerly cliffs notes, originally cliffs notes and often, erroneously, cliffnotes are a series of student study guides.